Working Together for Your Health

Our new, solo, primary care, exclusive office is under construction in Wilbraham. Keep an eye out for photos—we can’t wait to show you!

Whether you’re a longtime patient of Dr. Diggs, or a new patient who is ready to take charge of your health, we pledge to continue our commitment to thoroughness, education, written instructions, and personal care. Every body is unique. So all treatment is personal.  One-size-fits-all care fits no one. The principal of "Uniformity," cherished in corporate medicine, is not good for you.

As an independent practice, we will improve on previous patterns of communication (no call centers), availability (sometimes on the same day), and timeliness (minimal in-office waiting). Decisions will be made by Dr. Diggs in your best interest rather than by unreachable administrators beholden to a Corporation.

Be empowered! We want you to understand your healthcare. In the increasingly complex, jargon-laden field of medicine, we believe that it is important for patients to know what’s going on in their own bodies.

After all, it’s your health!